LED lamp with the appearance of the framework of contrast!
Release date:2017/2/20 13:32:02
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LED lights with each meter "scissors" symbol, can only be cut in the symbol, the wrong cut or cut will cause a partial light meter! Some will be due to the partial symbol, before cutting look carefully under the symbol position, in the product and equipment design must conform to the actual products, according to the center cut off center not connected. Look closely and you can see. So we can buy fewer customers to cut, then, after a good test delivery, we will serve you for free.
Each lamp belt must be equipped with a special plug (plug with a transformer), we all use the original, when we have to use the right look to do the reference. Needs another shot; connection must be transparent plastic cover removed, then try again after the lamp cover. Must not be directly connected with the lid, such a simple short circuit!
Left rainbow LED lamp belt
LED lamp with lamp installation, usually placed in the slot, you can put straight, also can be fixed with a cord or wire. If the need to install or vertical installation, the need for the purchase of the wind clips and tail plug. The original clip is lit, the LED lamp with product layout principles characteristics to performance oriented products, this store is not free -- if it is in the outdoor equipment, equipment after the tail plug and plug type waterproof glass glue, this waterproof function better.
Now on the market to buy LED light with your quotation is also cheap, all say, first to see how the quality of you what brand of beads and beads, from a few hundred to block pieces ranging from. Good Brand Company production of LED light on the price of the company, of course, the price of the company's production of LED lights with some expensive.